Tony Preville
At the end of 2018 I had a traumatic knee injury snowboarding at Breckenridge. I tore every ligament in my left knee, broke my tibia and tore my meniscus. The doctors were unsure of how I would recover, but I wasn’t. I decided that not only would I recover and get back in shape. I was going to get in the best shape of my life.
After my physical therapy ended, I started working out; doing pull-ups and push-ups at my house. One day I googled “how can I do more pull-ups” and I stumbled upon this You-Tube video of a guy doing these strange looking “butterfly” pull-ups. They were strange for sure, but he did 50 of them unbroken and something click inside of me and I thought “that’s what I want to do.”
I made the call to my first CrossFit gym the next day and within a week I was already learning how to butterfly. The rest is history. I fell in love with everything about CrossFit. The workouts, the camaraderie, and the community. I have now fully recovered from my injury and feel better physically than ever have.